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Measurement of Growth and Development

 Measurement of Growth and Development

     The Measurement of development is through what are commonly called economic indicators, however, there are measures, both qualitative and quantitative that need to be taken into account when rendering a judgement on whether or not growth and development are taking place in a society. As there are no well settled norms for judgement of growth and development, comparison of economic performance is utilized. The rate of increment is also used as basis for judgement. 

  The Gross National Product

 The GNP is the sum of the value of goods and services created in the economy in a given year. As such it is a measure of economic performance and vitality. The growth of the GNP indicates the productive capacity of the economy on the year to year basis.


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Goals of Economic Development

  1. A better quality of life for the people through adequacy of food, clothing, shelter, health services and other amenities of life.
  2. Increased GNP that can provide for more economic savings and investment needed to attain higher economic development.
  3. Higher Level employment and wages for the labor sector.
  4. Poverty and underemployment reduction for a better quality of life.
  5. Higher productivity in production through more efficient methods and improved manpower skills.
  6. Maintenance of socially shared benefits from increased income through a distributive effects of the tax system and public services.
  7. Improved social services brought about by gains of economy.
  8. Ability to finance the maintenance of internal peace and order.
  9. Provision of improved infrastructure facilities in the urban and rural areas.
  10. Adequacy of educational and training services to meet the demands of further development.
  11. Preservation of the environment alongside establishment of industries.
  12. Reduction of internal and external public debt.
  13. Increased material consumption by the people.
  14. Attainment of a population growth rate for a better quality of life.
  15. Increase of household incomes and reduction malnutrition.
  16. Financial adequacy of public sector and the improvement of social services.
  17. Strengthening and stabilization of the currency through production and the trade.
  18. Self-sufficiency in food production and/or the maintenance of food stock-pile.  

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Meaning of Economic Development

       Economic Development is the growth of the Gross National Product (GNP), accompanied by a redistribution of wealth among the people. It is the rise of investment, production and income that brings about a better quality of life for the population. It is the movement of a country from tool-based to machine-based production with the effect of better income for the people and the provision of improved facilities for the society.

       It is sustained capital formation in the country resulting in higher productivity and the improvement of social institution for efficiency in resource utilization.

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Tips on how to survive in managing your business

1.        What Do You Want to Achieve?

If your aim is to become the richest man on earth, starting a second hand globe dealership might not be the best idea that you have ever had. If your goal is not compatible with your business model success will be impossible to achieve.
2.        Surround Yourself with Competent People
This is just one of the most important things that could determine the success or failure of your business. Never be willing to settle for second best when you hire people. Be on the lookout for talent and crab it when you see it. Good staff is hard to come by and incompetent staff have the ability to destroy your business.
3.        Never Give Up and Never Surrender
There will be times when you will want to throw in the towel and give-up. It is important to push through and not surrender. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities that could just be the breakthrough that you have been waiting for. Taking a break from work for a day or two might just be what the doctor ordered and could help you to regain your focus and inspiration. The difference between success and failure could be as small as one more day of effort.
4.        Do Not Be Too Proud to Ask for Advice
Do not be afraid to ask some advices from the veterans because they will really be a big help in solving your problems. When you manage your own business you can become so involved with the day-to-day issues that you start to lose focus. People that are not involved with your business might be able to highlight obvious solutions or provide valuable insight. Even Superman needs Louis Lane.
5.        Set Achievable Goals and Deadlines
Be realistic when you set goals, targets and deadlines. Nothing is as demoralising as not meeting deadlines and targets. Use a daily “to do” list and a weekly schedule in order to keep track of your targets and deadlines.
6.        Monitor, Measure and Adapt
Think and analyse the key performance areas of your business and be willing to change or adapt your business if needed. Performance that is monitored effectively will provide you with an early warning system that could help you to make the right business decisions at the right time.
7.        Cherish your Customers
Without loyal customers your business will not succeed. Focus on building a lasting relationship with your customers and always respond as quickly as possible to customer queries. The use of social media to interact with your customer base is very effective and should be explored. you have to delight your customers to make them feel that they are important element in your business.

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Drive to Maturity Stage and High Mass Consumption Stage

This stage (Drive to Maturity) is the period of rapid technological change, introduction of new management methods, expansion of international trade and extensive use of credit. The growth of the economy is rapid with high employment level and high income.

High Mass Consumption Stage.  The benefits of specialization and automation brings out a high level income to the population thus giving them access to an abundance of consumption goods. Society begins look towards enjoyment of leisure rather than hard-nosed economic struggle. At this point, education for professional training is emphasized to meet the needs of the society with high technology and complex business organization.

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Take-off Stage

This is the stage of acceleration of economic in the economy. By this time the productive activity has expanded through technological change and increased investment. By this time, employment is high and the domestic and foreign markets are being fully developed. So rapid is the change taking place at this stage that education and training must be stepped up to provide the manpower requirments for the changes and expansion of trade, industry and agriculture. At the same time the total value of the goods and services produced in the economy is sustained at seven (7) percent per annum, way above the annual population growth rate.

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Precondition Stage

"Precondition Stage"
This is awekening stage when new methods of production are adopted and society begins to put upt its infrastructure for better growth. The spreading out of markets and the improvements in industry and agriculture make for transformation of the economy. This stage is the result of a jolting effect on the economy by education, war or inflow of foreign technology. This stage is made possible by the consciousness for capital formation through saving and use of available credit from the growing credit institutions.  

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Traditional Society

This is the situation in a society wherein the people depend upon land as a basic resources for their livelihood and where the production techniques are more or less the same for many years. Diminishing returns from farming takes place as the population grows. As a result; production is marginal, meaning that output values tend to be only equal to inputs so that households could produce only equal to their basic needs. Very little or no saving is accumulated for investment purposes.

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Venture Financing

It has long been in its stage of development but venture financing has not truly evolved in the economies of the world to the fullest of its potentials. This is because the tradition of collateral orientedness of the banks and other financial institutions has been pervasive and persistent. Venture capitalism is developing in the advanced economies of the world and will spill over to every country wherever bright ideas can be attracted enough to merit financial backing of the venture capitalization. Venture capitalist are organizations that possess financial resources that they have earmarked for lending to or for subscribing to meet the capital requirement of new and emerging enterprises.

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K - Economy

The owners of the systems, procedures,, programs and information technology, which are applicable knowledge in running a business, operating a plant, organizing resources of fitting together the mix of organizational factors into a working combination, are in these times the owners of economically valuable assets. Rather than take pains to draw up designs of their own to have applicable knowledge to use in their business, enterprises procure the model and/or the model application from the knowledge provider. The world wide availability of knowledge providers to the global subscribers for systems, procedures. programs and information technology now comprises the so-called K-Economy that exists in the realm of business and have respect for corporate ownership and the laws on patents and copyrights.

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E - Banking

On-line banking in complementation with E-commerce work together. This service has yet to be fully developed even in the advanced societies but this is only a question of time. Remittances of payments for business in the internet can be settled through E-banking and the world of business will be wider and faster. The banking system will have to adjust their business style to the existing mode of business otherwise they shall be left out in the competition for the patronage of the banking clientele's in E-commerce.

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E - Commerce.  Business that have anything to sell, ranging from equipment to consumer's item and to specialized services enroll into the transformation highway, where the marketer accesses for information and to transact business. The internet thus serves as a means to advertise and promote the product with the E-mail and digital online serving as transaction medium. The world wide access to the websites augers for vast market for every seller or dealer in the market so that even small businesses with a limited product line has a chance to sell large-scale in a global market. The growth of E-Commerce will be greater in the future as more and more of the worlds population become computer literate and computer users.

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Causes of Business Failures

"Bad Leadership causes FAILED"
When one considers going into business, what comes to the mind is usually a Small or Medium Enterprises (SME). this is highly preferred because of the lower capitalization requirement and the facility in the registration of the business. SMEs are prone to failure. They are as follows:

  1. Poor Selection of Location
  2. Failure to diversity
  3. Mismanagement of the cash flow
  4. Going to business on a bandwagon
  5. Overdrive in the effort to succeed
  6. Excessive extension credit
  7. Employee Dishonesty
  8. 111-Health or Family Tragedy
  9. Failure to take insurance
  10. Poor human relations
  11. Renewal of the locality
  12. Loss of key personnel
  13. Entry of big business into the business
  14. Intramural quarrels among partners
  15. Dumping of cheap foreign goods into the local market
  16. Passage of unfavorable legislation
  17. Dying patronage of the product
  18. Prohibitive business rentals
  19. Failure to adopt quality assurance and total quality management
  20. Incompetence of management
  21. Failure to avail of cost-cutting measures
  22. Failure to adopt a marketing and advertising strategy
  23. Failure to take the option of merger
  24. Mixing personal matters with business operations

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Critical Aspects of Economics

  • Scarce Resources.  The resources available in the economy are always in a condition of scarcity because they are not present or available in the quantity and quality needed at all times.
  • Factors of Production.  In the production of goods and services, the essential factors are land, labor, capital, management, technology and governmental policy.
  • Economic Return.  The factors of production have the purpose of getting their own reward for involvement in economic activities.
  • Human Wants.  Human beings in society have needs that must be satisfied within the economy. they include such basic requirments for life and human dignity as food, clothing, shelter, health, education and entertainment.
  • Choice of Consumption.  The individual in society has a freedom of choice on the kind, quantity, quality and price of the goods and services to be consumed.
  • The Price System.  The economy is structured in such a way that goods and services flow within the given society with prices attached to them.
  • Demand Elasticity.  When the price of an item in the market is reduced, the demand increases quantitatively.
  • Diminishing Utility or Satisfaction.  In the consumption of goods and services, the consumer will enjoy an increasing satisfaction only up to a point where every additional unit consumed about less and less diminishing satisfaction.
  • Competition.  This refers to the rivalry among sellers who wish to dominate the market.
  • Market Economy.  Where trade may freely take place with the least interference from the government.
  • Break-even Point. Firms gets informed about making a profit from a business activity.

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Basic Concepts in Economics

"Economics in it's broad meaning"
The study of economics must essentially commence with familiarization of the fundamental ideas that are used and dealt with in the discussion and/ or analysis of economic conditions, processes, actions or policies. although most of the basic concepts of economics has been encountered by the average reader in the secondary school economics subject, it is necessary to present them again for review and emphasis.

Economics, Defined
   Economics is the science of resource allocation in the household, firm government or society in order to attain an effective combination that will produce the highest probable result of the least cost.

   Economics is the scientific technique of combining the production factors in order to convert resource inputs to goods and services that will satisfy human wants.

   Economic is the science of utilizing scarce resources in the production and distribution of goods and services needed by people, business and society for the satisfaction of their consumer needs.

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