1. What Do You Want to Achieve?
If your aim is to become the richest man on earth, starting a second hand globe dealership might not be the best idea that you have ever had. If your goal is not compatible with your business model success will be impossible to achieve.
2. Surround Yourself with Competent People
This is just one of the most important things that could determine the success or failure of your business. Never be willing to settle for second best when you hire people. Be on the lookout for talent and crab it when you see it. Good staff is hard to come by and incompetent staff have the ability to destroy your business.
3. Never Give Up and Never Surrender
There will be times when you will want to throw in the towel and give-up. It is important to push through and not surrender. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities that could just be the breakthrough that you have been waiting for. Taking a break from work for a day or two might just be what the doctor ordered and could help you to regain your focus and inspiration. The difference between success and failure could be as small as one more day of effort.
4. Do Not Be Too Proud to Ask for Advice
Do not be afraid to ask some advices from the veterans because they will really be a big help in solving your problems. When you manage your own business you can become so involved with the day-to-day issues that you start to lose focus. People that are not involved with your business might be able to highlight obvious solutions or provide valuable insight. Even Superman needs Louis Lane.
5. Set Achievable Goals and Deadlines
Be realistic when you set goals, targets and deadlines. Nothing is as demoralising as not meeting deadlines and targets. Use a daily “to do” list and a weekly schedule in order to keep track of your targets and deadlines.
6. Monitor, Measure and Adapt
Think and analyse the key performance areas of your business and be willing to change or adapt your business if needed. Performance that is monitored effectively will provide you with an early warning system that could help you to make the right business decisions at the right time.
7. Cherish your Customers
Without loyal customers your business will not succeed. Focus on building a lasting relationship with your customers and always respond as quickly as possible to customer queries. The use of social media to interact with your customer base is very effective and should be explored. you have to delight your customers to make them feel that they are important element in your business.